Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama, Facebook and Chia

Worked home yesterday so I could catch the inauguration. I won't go into it because it was kind of done to death by the media, but it was pretty amazing and wonderful. I may have written this before, but I began to study Obama about 2 years ago after reading "Audacity to Hope" on a plane ride and was very impressed by his thinking and approach, so it was satisfying on many levels to see him take office. And I admit, I flipped the bird at Bush as he flew off in his bird.
Unrelated Post #1: after much cajoling and badgering I caved and joined Facebook a few days ago. The good side is that I managed to get in touch with some people that I lost contact with, particularly Shelley, who I was very good friends with during my grad year at SVA in 86-87. Also, through painter pal Lou (who described Facebook as "time suck city"!) got in touch with painter pal Linda. I did a few paintings of her, including "Claire Voyant" below. She's married w kid and living in Singapore!

The Way Back Machine also delivered me emails from high school friends! Its pretty cool so far, kinda creepy though, too. Now, I am terrrible with names, and I got a few Friend Requests from people whose name I don't recognize and they don't have a picture posted, so what do I do??
Unrelated Post #2: just found this photo of Chia and wanted to post it for no reason. My sister got her that toy because it looks like her, which it does! Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia!

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