Just made a fantastic purchase to combat this diabolical cold weather (how the hell do people live in No Dakota where it's like this for MONTHS at a time! My friend's sister went to college in Minnesota and had to use a device to keep the oil in the car from freezing - oil freezing??? OIL?? But I digress...), one of those winter hats like Van Gogh wore in a self -portrait, or like that guy who could fix anything wore on Hogan's Heroes. The kind with the furry lining and big ear flaps that's hipster ironically cool? Fashionable or not, it's WARM WARM WARM! Maybe people in Minnesota could use them in their engines to keep the oil from freezing.
Anyhoo, a block away from St Marks (where I got the hat) on 2nd Ave is
Loves Saves the Day,

the famous pop culture memorabilia store that's been there forever. As many of you have probably heard, it's closing in a few days. I saw a piece on it on NY1, and apparently the owner's wife died about a year or so ago and they have a store in New Hope or somewhere, so he's downsizing to just that store. I have mixed feelings about LSTD - it's cool that it was there, great for the neighborhood and fun to pop in and look at the collectibles. However, it was a total tourist trap - his prices for collectibles were on the far side of astronomical. Just about anything there could be found on EBay for 25-35% of their asking price, so as a collector I could never take their pricing seriously. Nonetheless, sad to see it go - probably turn into a PinkBerry or Verizon store...feh.
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